Praise for My Books

"Manreet Sodhi Someshwar is a gifted writer of great promise. I have a gut feeling we have a new star rising in Punjab's literary horizon. She has an excellent command of English and a sly sense of humour."
- Khushwant Singh on The Long Walk Home

"An enjoyable tale of a sassy girl's headlong race up the corporate ladder."
- India Today on Earning the Laundry Stripes

Monday, 7 October 2013

You Gotta Be A Woman

My favourite season of all is here,
Hong Kong has declared fall, ye hear?
Crisp days, bouncing with sunshine
To stay indoors seems such a crime.

From my open window the breeze
Does tickle my palm fronds and tease,
My nose with fumes that declare 
the neighbour’s frying pork, beware!

Sunny with a nip,
Chilly for an early morning dip,
Bright and shiny with purpose,
Meditative and fully languorous -

Beckoning me outside
While I must write inside,
You’re such a perfect contradiction, Fall,
You gotta be a woman, after all.

©Manreet Sodhi Someshwar

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