Praise for My Books

"Manreet Sodhi Someshwar is a gifted writer of great promise. I have a gut feeling we have a new star rising in Punjab's literary horizon. She has an excellent command of English and a sly sense of humour."
- Khushwant Singh on The Long Walk Home

"An enjoyable tale of a sassy girl's headlong race up the corporate ladder."
- India Today on Earning the Laundry Stripes

Thursday, 18 February 2016

There’s Always Time For Needlework

In India there is a woman everyone’s heard of
whom no one knows.
A woman who serves as the pretext for 
men to fight foes.
In the name of honor, nation, cow, land of
gods in crores.

In saree and shackled, arms out-stretched, ankles crossed,
her pose aligned 
with the geography of India
an anthropomorphic birth of the nation of India.
Bharat Mata, Mother India, an idea
dribbled to a slogan, a mantra.

Bharat Mata ki jai! was proclaimed
when India was freed and divided.
When her national sons proceeded with righteousness
to rape mothers and daughters of their ex-brothers.
What a handy pretext to secure their freedom,
and corral their cows and land and women.

The slogan has regained currency
In Patiala House, JNU, election battlefields.
The slogan of freedom struggle in time of acchedin?
Which makes you wonder, in this battle of boys
Who and what will be the real victims?
Women, minorities, democracy?

Time then to call this bluff?
Which mother would watch as her boys squabble -
punch and slap and indulge in public fisticuff?
Two tight slaps, a rap on the knuckles,
No food, no TV (no Arnab, for sure), go do your homework!
If you cannot govern, there’s always time for needlework.
© Manreet Sodhi Someshwar

#JNU #PatialaHouse #MotherIndia #BharatMata #JNUCrackdown 

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